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Damm love to lick your asshole and sweet bald pussy, once warmed up, fuck both wet holes.

I would like to kiss, lick, nibble, suck and spread your pussy lips with my tongue and once your sweet juices start to flow savor the flavor of your sweet juices. I would continue to lick your pussy until you beg me to stop. I would then decide which hole to put my throbbing cock in first, do you have a preference. Ohhh to be thirty years younger and to have a bottom like yours again . The things I would do differently in my life . I would f as often as I could and with the most fun people I could find. Mmmmm. I'd love to part those pretty pink lips with my tongue before burying it deep in your tight little ass. You are killing me. I would so love to fuck that beautiful asshole in your gorgeous little butt. Think those might be the nicest holes i've ever seen.Love to work them out with this cock.