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My mouth is watering for a taste of that pink.Dick is hard and ready to fill it up!

Mmm yes honey, spread her wide in front of my face and let me kiss her like a sweet mouth! I also wanna penetrate her deep with my tongue going around in your inner parts and feel the sweet taste of your juices while she become wetter and wetter. Will u cum like this and when your pussy is still contracting in orgasm may I penetrate her with my hard cock? Yes I love fruit. I may need to squeeze deeply inside and out a lot though whilst rubbing up against your berry to check for hot juices, also good for health. Oh how I'd love to squeeze inside that fleshy hot wet dream. After delving my tongue deep inside you making you wet and juicy would like to follow up by sliding my throbbing cock deep into you. [.] "In the beginning God created the heaven, earth and that perfectly pink and delicious pussie (pic.)" (Genesis 1:1 NIV) :) Hell yes I would lick the clit that tongue fuck your pussy hole and than go balls deep.