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Mmmmm.Such a sweet smooth pussy! I'd love to lick and kiss you while slowly pulling those pearls out one by one.

Just looking at your pics has my cock aching to fill your juicy hot tight pink wet pussy and my mouth is watering to taste your sweet hot juices and suck on your gorgeous breasts! Wish I was between your sexy hot legs right now. I want to taste your horny hot sweet pussy. I would love to fuck you deep and slow until you were so wet your juices were running down my balls. Then I would pound you hard and fast until I couldn't take it any more. I would then pull it out and blow my big hot load all over your tits. Mmmm this is going to take a while.I go back and forth between licking your clit, and then pulling one pearl out at a time out of your sweet pussy. I want to taste you on every single one. I hope you are in no hurry. WE ARE VERY IMPRESSED WITH THE AMAZING SHAPE YOUR BEAUTIFUL BODY FIRMLY HOLDS TOGETHER! BUILT FULL OF TASTINESS (looking at pics we can almost taste you) Would so like to pull them out with my teeth , or maybe try pushing more in with my tongue . Decisions decisions !