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Eating and tonguefucking this beauty wet cunt, then pounding with my hard cock both fuckholes.

Yum, what a delicious pink, tasty delight. You have my mouth watering and my tongue tingling at the thought of giving your sweet pussy some oral pleasure while my hands caress and play with your perfect breasts and nipples. A nice hard pouding by my cock would put the finishing touch on an absolutely perfect encounter with you! 😭: Easy for you to say. Crying my eyes out, eating my heart out. Wish I could be eating that pussy out. Then fucking that pussy good. But no, not gonna happen. *sigh* Yea I would, but not all night cause I really want to watch your hand guide my cock inside you.Something about that turns me on. OMG, I would so love to eat that delicious pussy before sliding my hard throbbing member in as deep as it will go XXXXX. Mmm, primal, passionate, strong and visceral.I want to eat that pussy and fuck it with all my might.