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Do I have to choose, couldn't I try both then decide? πŸ˜³πŸ˜‹Nice pussy πŸ˜³πŸ˜‹

I'd start by licking and sucking your sweet pussy working my way up to your sexy arse and tickle it with the tip of my tongue as I slide a finger or two inside your sweet wet pussy then the choice is yours xx. The answer is "C. All of the Above!" Would love to feel your luscious labia on my lips while Crumpets rides my cock and the two of you suck off Mr. Awb1066! Oxox Crumpets and Tea. I'd start with your pussy.Then let that tight little ass squeeze the cum right out of me! I wanna shove inside the pink first, then while lubed up, shove it in the brown hole. What ever you can handle my dear. But that's a might yummy pussy you possess mmmmmm.